iCogs and eCogs: Embalages for your portable calculation devices (iPad case)!

Sep 10, 2011 03:34

Dear ladies and gentlemen:

This is your old friend, Admiral J. Wilhelm again. I shamelessly intervene in your daily social activities to bring you the latest news on fashionable wear for your portable computation devices!  (Moderators have received corresponding bribe of tea and crumpets, I presume. My apologies, I do not handle Opium or Laudanum for religious reasons).

The reason for my jubilation, ladies and gentlemen, is that I have just released the iCog Dionaea™ wooden case for the iPad® 2.  In full Steampunk fashion, this device evokes the steam-powered machinery that we all love so much.  As you have noted in other fora, I have taken a penchant for using Greek names for my tablet and Smartphone protectors, but to be perfectly honest, I have no idea why I have done so! Well, I digress…

“Igor, Pull the switch! And Elizabeth my dear… Elizabeth… Elizabeth… Frankenstania!! Ah! Hello my dear, would you please raise the curtain? Thank you… ”
*Victorian elevator music plays in the background*

J. Wilhelm's iCog Dionaea™embalage (case) for the iPad (R) 2

"iPad (R)" is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. / "iCog Dionaea (TM)" is a trademark of John William Dunn

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The name Dionaea (a.k.a. Aphrodite) stands for the daughter of the pre-Classic Greek goddess Dione (who is historically a precursor to Zeus and even the Titans as well). More to the point, this case is the direct descendant of the iCog Dione™ case for the iPhone® 4, which I presented back in June.


This case is a Steampunk nod to the oracle cults of antiquity, given that portable computation devices can be wiser that the Oracle of Delphi. The star of the moment is the iCog Dionaea™ Case Version 1.0B  “Boilerplate Edition," which is a Steampunk case for use with the Apple® iPad® 2 The construction is a wooden frame-type case which leaves the touch screen open for use (similar to "bumper cases"), but the back is closed and decorated with metal parts.

This case is handcrafted from scratch and NOT by using a laser CAD/CAM system as others you may see elsewhere. The iCog™ body is made primarily of wood, including Aspen, Poplar and Pine. The case is hand-rubbed with English Walnut finish, and for all my cases, I either use a Victorian-Era inspired black and white, or a Cranberry-Apple felt to cushion the phone or tablet.

A spring operated trap door, located at the bottom of the case locks open to let the iPad™ tablet in, and it also allows access to the USB / power adapter chord. The trap door shuts like a “mousetrap’ with a slight push, which I think gives the case a truly “antiquarian” 19th Century feel. To top it off, I use fully mechanized buttons, comprised of copper parts fixed directly to the wood case and a brass-plated steel-spring mechanism to push back the buttons. The "crown” of each button is a brass nut mounted on a zinc rod.

For decoration, you have an instrument panel which would make any locomotive engineer proud!  You have a pressure dial (non functional) essential for measuring the pressure of a boiler, and you have a thermometer as well (also non functional). Connecting the two “instruments,” you have two "iron pipes" (actually made of solid steel), and a couple of "copper pipes" (actually a solid copper wire) presumably, connecting the instruments, although one copper pipe seems to be redundant as the “third instrument” is “missing.” Several steel round covers hide the holes for "missing instruments."   Note the two "iron pipes" actually double as the legs for the iPad® case when you set it down on a table.

“Should you see a temperature increase, followed by sudden pressure drop, gingerly set the steam-powered calculation tablet down on the floor. Then run to the nearest exit, as this is a symptom of a crack in the pressure vessel (boiler)”
-Locomotive Engineer

These wondrous devices are all available for purchase right now!  Should you feel a strong urge to see more machinery, please feel free to visit my establishment subsidiary at Etsy.com:


And without anything further to add, I declare myself at your service, dear ladies and gentlemen, and leave you to peruse the annexed Daguerreotypes!

Truly yours,

Adm. J. Wilhelm
United States Aiship Orca
(moonlighting as calculation engine fabricator).

Apple® iPod®, iPhone®, iPad ®, and Smart Cover® are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.
iCog™ , eCog™, iCog Lid™, iCog Tactile™, iCog Dione™, iCog Dionaea™, eCog Aeneas™ and eCog Aphrodite™ are trademarks of John William Dunn.

metalsmithing, cogs, projects, brass goggles, functional, metalworking, brass, etsy, props, technology

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