A newbie approaches with questions!!

Nov 11, 2010 00:16

Hi there!! I'm sort of like a newbie to this com. I mean, I've lurked for the past year...(yeahhhhhhhhhh...). And I've finally gotten around to seriously doing my own outfit.

My persona (is it still a persona when she's a character from a story I'm writing??) is the airship's mechanic/grease monkey. Of course, this means she is going to get grimey and dirty. And that's where my problem comes in. I'm going to be aging/greasing up a very cool shirt I snagged from a thift store.

Don't want to take too much space...so more after the cut!!!

Edit: Let's pretend that I remember how LJ works...yeah...

So, as I was saying...er...typing...I'm going to be aging/staining this shirt with all sorts of questionable items. Basically the base shirt is going to be tea stained (I'm going to try and "botch it" so it won't have an even stain).  And then stain it with various other types of drinks. Like grape juice...or cranberry juice since it looks the most like blood. I have an old table cloth I'm experimenting on...so as to not ruin the shirt.

Now the real question is, how should I approach making grease stains?? Should I use real grease and the such?

And the even realer question than that one: How should I duplicate that look on my face/skin. Is putting grease on my face SAFE?? I'd rather not break out (I have an pimple problem on my forehead and chin). I was actually thinking about grinding up some black lip liner or eye liner and using that as my "grease" since I know if I use my make up remover, it won't cause any problems.

Just for reference sake, here's a pic of my shirt!! It's got the ruffely thingies on both sides of the buttons, so if unbuttoned there is a line of ruffles going down the button line on each side (if that makes sense).

wardrobe advice, greasemonkies, help, pirates, makeup

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