Gentleman Adventurer

Sep 21, 2008 10:25

The Mk.I version of my steampunk costume. It is, for the most part, lacking the DIY aesthetic that seems to permeate steampunk in that most of it is off the rack. I am, however, working on expanding it by adding additional tools and elements to the belt.

From Gentleman's Emporium: Wing Tip Shirt, Baker City Vest, Highland Frock Coat (not shown), From Wild West Mercantile: Elegant Puff Tie, Top Hat (not shown), Illuminati Pin from Steve Jackson Games, Girl Genius Lab Specs with prescription lenses, Soviet-era Molnija Pocket Watch (my Great-Grandfather's gold watch is in the shop), A.W.P. Oil Tan Toolbelt (2), miscellaneous ammo pouches, Girl Genius Trilobite Pin, Cabela's Hickok Holster, Tanaka Airsoft Colt Single Action Army "Peacemaker"

As I said, there are things to go on the belt, a glass bottle that will have something glowing inside, a telescope, a Doctor Who Laser Screwdriver, a vintage Weston clamp ammeter. I've ordered a Genleman's Double Blade Sword Cane which I intend to modify with a steampunk/light saber/tesla coil theme.

outfits, photos, gentlemen

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