Title: Nothing more, nothing less
Word count: 100
Characters: Becker/Connor
Rating: PG-12
Written for P100 challenge 436: Bad hair day
“C’mon, Becker, we’re gonna be late!” yelled Connor. “You know how you feel about that.”
“Yes, OK, just coming,” replied Becker as an unsatisfactory amount of lukewarm water fell from the chipped plastic showerhead above him.
Becker knew that there would be sacrifices involved in any relationship with Connor. He was prepared for the Dr Who marathons, the biscuit dunking, dishes piled up in the sink, clothes tossed onto the floor, the superhero duvet.
But this. This was much worse than anything he had expected to endure. He was washing his hair with own-brand supermarket shampoo. It must be love.