Primeval fic: Sins of the father

Jul 07, 2015 23:30

Title: Sins of the father: A Sir James Lester Mystery

Word count: 100

Characters: Lester, Leek (Caroline)

Rating: PG-12
Written for P100 challenge 426: Clueless


Eyes shut, Caroline looked as if she was sleeping, one hand draped protectively over her rounded belly. Lester stared down at her dispassionately. There were no signs of struggle.

“Self-inflicted,” suggested Leek, the landlord, who’d found the body. “Couldn’t face the shame she’d brought on herself.”

Lester didn’t bother to hide his dislike. “She hardly got pregnant alone. Who was the father?”

Leek shrugged. “Does it matter? There’s no clue to suggest foul play.”

A wasp buzzed against the closed window.

“There’s always a clue,” said Lester. He examined the body. “Who knew she was allergic to stings?”

Leek paled.


lester, sir james lester mystery, primeval, leek, drabble

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