Primeval fic: Timed out

Jul 14, 2015 22:42

Title: Timed out

Word count: 100

Characters: Abby/Connor

Rating: PG-12
Written for P100 challenge 427: Ready or not


Abby caught sight of her face in the mirror and hesitated. She’d drunk enough to make this seem desirable but not enough to have lost all inhibitions.

“C’mon Abs,” called Connor. He lay sprawled in an inelegant tangle across her bed.

“One minute,” she called back. Probably Connor wouldn’t care but she knew from experience what an awful mess her make-up would make if she didn’t remove it now. She could get up early and reapply everything before Connor awoke.

She grabbed a pot. Let’s start with the eyes…

“Ready,” she said at last.

Connor's response was a muffled snore.


primeval, abby/connor, drabble, het is hot

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