Primeval fic: Perfect Day

Jun 30, 2015 23:33

Title: Perfect Day

Word count: 100

Characters: Becker/Connor

Rating: PG-12
Written for P100 challenge 425: Raptors


Connor stifled a yawn and settled more comfortably on Becker’s lap.

“OK?” asked Becker, nobly not mentioning that the expanse of chest Connor was leaning on had been extensively bruised. Still, Connor had sustained a cut to the head that was equal to any of Becker’s injuries.

“Just tired,” replied Connor. “But happy tired.”

That was how Becker felt. He’d been able to get in a great deal of precision target practice herding a velociraptor back to its own time. “It’s been a good day.”

“Raptorous!” agreed Connor as Becker leaned down and cut off further conversation with a kiss.


becker/connor, primeval, drabble

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