Primeval fic: Essential Equipment

Apr 28, 2015 22:59

Title: Essential Equipment

Word count: 100

Author: Stealingpennies

Characters: Lester, Cutter

Rating: Universal
Written for P100 challenge 416: Scientific Reason

AN: I may have misread this prompt as scientific research…

AN2: Thanks to anyone who has commented recently. I will reply and get back to reading/commenting asap.


Lester sipped his coffee before replying. The gesture was more to irritate his visitor than because he wanted a caffeine hit. It worked.

“Your budget for the year has gone through,” he said at last. “It’s up to you how it’s spent.”

Cutter made an outraged noise. “That money is for scientific research not coffee machines!”

Lester gave a thin smile. “Once again, that’s entirely your choice.”

Cutter stormed out. Lester’s grin widened. He must remind Lorraine to hide the Nespresso-maker. Cutter mightn’t approve of creative accounting but Lester had a feeling he would have no problems with outright theft.


nick, lester, primeval, drabble

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