Primeval fic: Sounds of Home

May 05, 2015 22:46

Title: Sounds of Home

Word count: 100

Author: Stealingpennies

Characters: Abby/Connor

Rating: Universal
Written for P100 challenge 417: White noise


It was raining. Again. Abby could barely recall what the forest sounded like without the continuous drip-drip of water.

“Alright, Abs?” asked Connor sleepily.

“Yeah,” she replied. “Just the rain keeping me awake.”

“S’nice,” said Connor. “Reminds me of caravan holidays - lying in bed and listening to rain on the roof.”

“Nice! Water soaking everything, making it impossible to find wood to burn.”

“Replenishing our drinking water, keeping the plants growing.” His arms slipped around her. “C’mon, Abby, it won’t last. We’re dry and I can keep you warm.”

She relaxed into his embrace. “Tell me about the caravan.”


primeval, abby/connor, drabble, het is hot

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