Primeval fic: Tidings of Comfort and Joy: A Sir James Lester Mystery

Dec 16, 2014 23:03

Title: Tidings of Comfort and Joy: A Sir James Lester Mystery

Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Lester, Connor

Written for P100 challenge 397: Holidays are Coming

AN: What? All the best people are left-handed!


Christmas cards were scattered across the floor. Captain Wilder lay on his side, his shattered face partially hidden.

“Suicide?” asked Connor, eying the pistol on the ground. “He was known as a gambler.”

Sir James crouched over the corpse. “No. The bullet entered on right side of the head. Wilder was left-handed.”

He picked up one of the cards and started reading, then reached for a second and a third. “Not gambling, Connor, but blackmail. Wilder’s season of goodwill started with extortion.”

“So the murderer will be on his card list?”

Sir James stood up. “See whose card is missing.”


lester, sir james lester mystery, primeval, connor, drabble

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