Primeval fic: Running on Empty

Dec 15, 2014 22:06

Title: Running on Empty

Author: Stealingpennies

Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Ryan/Connor

AN: Happy Birthday to  aunteeneenah who wields a fierce pitchfork. *g* No need to ask her favourite character.


“I’m sorry,” said Connor for the twentieth time. “I filled the tank yesterday and I swear it had a good hundred miles left.” He faltered. “At least I think I filled it. Lester’s going to be furious. It’ll take hours for someone to get here and rescue us.”

Ryan grinned. “A couple of hours, at most. We’ll do fine. Meanwhile, we might as well make ourselves comfortable.”

Connor relaxed at his tone. “Sure you don’t mind?”

“Very sure,” said Ryan, drawing closer. He’d have to find out which one of his men drained the tank - and buy him a drink.


connor/ryan, primeval, drabble

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