Title: Laying Ghosts
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Becker/Connor
Written for P100 challenge 385: In the library
AN: This is also doing duty for the biography/autobiography bingo square.
“So, to summarize, you want to break into your old school and have sex in the library,” said Becker hoping he’d misunderstood.
“Yes,” Connor nodded.
“No way,” replied Becker. “Apart from the whole illegal entry thing, what you’re proposing is frankly weird.”
“It’s not like there’ll be children around,” protested Connor. “I used to hide there, imagining how one day I’d have a fantastic boyfriend, and everything would be different. Now I have. And it is. I want to go back and show me I was right.”
Becker sighed. “At least tell me we don’t have to wear school uniform.”