Title: Hunter Gatherers
Author: Stealingpennies
Word count: 100
Rating: Universal
Characters: Lester, Jenny
Written for P100 challenge 384: Neanderthal
Calling it a symposium did not make it better. It was still a meeting of mid-level civil servants wearing offensively bad suits and polyester ties. Lester snorted softly causing Jenny to move closer to his side.
He raised an eyebrow at her expression. “Really, Jenny, I’ve no intention of saying anything contentious. And I certainly won’t be encouraging questions about the operation of the ARC.”
“Good.” Her lips curved upwards. “We all appreciate your self-control. In the meantime, I see two chairs in the corner. I’ll go and snag them. You can find us coffee. And biscuits. We’ll need biscuits.”