5: action

Oct 18, 2010 13:47

[Xander can be found inside the Battle Dome today. Observers might look in and see a dark, murky graveyard inside the simulator. Bare trees, tombs, crypts and stones provide a jagged landscape for the lone young man inside, who looks---afraid. He's got an axe on his back, a stake in each hand, and a big lump in his throat ( Read more... )

encounters with the ex-girlfriend, a little help?, beyond battledome, not the slayer

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Comments 306

slaying October 18 2010, 18:17:43 UTC
What the--?

[Checking out the Battle Dome--specifically any potential application it could have in managing the combat school--and Buffy comes across a...graveyard. Oh, yay. Her favourite kind of place to hang out.

And that's when she hears the call. Buffy hits the ground running.]


steadfastest October 18 2010, 18:25:11 UTC
[At this point, there are MULTIPLE VAMPS rising all across the cemetery. An eerie moon pierces the clouds and strikes the face of one very pale Xander, the brunette beauty still latched onto his neck. His mouth works soundlessly. His eyes are closed. So if Buffy DOES want to help him? She's going to have to clear through quite an army of undead killers.]


slaying October 18 2010, 18:28:21 UTC
[Luckily she carries that stake everywhere. Unpocketing it, Buffy works her way through the first wave of vamps. Who was ridiculous enough to start up a training regime like this, anyway? She can't even see Xander, yet.]


steadfastest October 18 2010, 18:43:06 UTC
[Xander! Xander would be Ridiculous Guy who was ridiculous enough to be this ridiculous. Although he might have stood a chance, at least with the first vamp, if she hadn't been Cordelia. The female vampire pulls away from him for a moment when she sees Buffy, and hisses.]

She's come to slay us wearing THAT?

[Xander slumps weakly against her, supported by an iron grip. He can speak, but just barely. He glares at the vampire holding him and whispers a warning.]

Don't touch her.


consultmybooks October 18 2010, 18:44:56 UTC
[Oh, dear God...

Vamp Cordy will suddenly find herself getting hit with quite a lot of holy water to the face. Giles is not pleased by this turn of events.

If that doesn't work, then out comes the stake.] Leave him alone.


steadfastest October 18 2010, 18:48:06 UTC
[The suffering would-be slayer gets a face-full of water as well.]



consultmybooks October 18 2010, 18:53:07 UTC
[Yeah, sorry about that, Xander. His main goal was to get Cordyvamp's attention. With any luck, that makes her take her fangs out of Xander. He moves in to haul her away.]


steadfastest October 18 2010, 19:06:00 UTC
Cordelia is not happy about this at ALL. She lets go of Xander, throwing him a good distance away. He slams into the side of a crypt and slumps to the ground. That done, she turns on Giles, her face singed and smoking.]

I don't exactly love rocking the BURNED look, Mister Giles.


ratnavati October 18 2010, 18:54:20 UTC
[And those teeth are ripped from his neck, with what's probably more than a little pain. Sorry about that.]

What the hell?


steadfastest October 18 2010, 18:55:37 UTC
AH!!! [And Xander slumps to the ground, blood streaming from his neck.]


ratnavati October 18 2010, 19:12:55 UTC
[Impulsively, she heals those wounds. She can still use magic? That's enough to almost make her scream. Nonono. But there are bigger problems now.]

[ooc: Her tattoo glows like in the icon when she casts. :) ]


steadfastest October 18 2010, 19:20:06 UTC
[He--does not notice the glowing, because he is barely conscious. Maybe he just perceives a soft light, and opens his eyes slowly. He's down quite a bit of blood but not out yet.]



likevegeta October 18 2010, 19:21:49 UTC
[So. A simulator + a sci-fi nerd = tonnes of fun. Andrew wasn't here to actually train, though he would swear up and down that he was (and, if not that, then that he was going to after this). He was on his way to recreate several of his best fantasies - including fighting off a wave of stormtroopers as a Jedi, and a hacked version of the Kobayashi Maru test. It seemed like the best thing to do.

He's nosing at the running simulation when he spots something entirely too familiar. Something out of Sunnydale, something that could have been out of a horror movie - and Xander in the middle of trouble (though of course, he was used to being the one being bitten, beaten, knocked out and possessed. Ah, the buttmonkey status!).]

Xander! [Oh drat, where was the door? These things had to have a no-kill policy, right?!]


steadfastest October 18 2010, 20:39:52 UTC
[Xander does not hear his friend, since he's almost lost consciousness at this point. Other vamps are also beginning to claw their way out of graves. What has the boy done to himself?]


likevegeta October 18 2010, 20:58:09 UTC
[Crap, crap, crap. How is it at this point he's clocked more slaying time than Xander has? Andrew's already fumbling for the stakes in his bag, shoving the door open with his shoulder and racing in.

It doesn't occur to him until the door is already shut that this is a simulation, and all simulations can be ended.]

Xander! Unhand him you -- you vile shedemon!


steadfastest October 18 2010, 21:11:18 UTC
[The vampire lets Xander go, turning toward Andrew with a bloody smile.]

Don't I know you? Weren't you......Tucker's brother?



Oh hell sure, why not :P derek_bliss October 19 2010, 13:11:50 UTC
[And here's Derek, poking his way around the new place to figure it out and see what it can do. He's already armed to the teeth (hey, a little test drive never hurt anyone, right?) and approaching the terminal to try and figure it out.

That's when he notes one of the rooms is already in use. Curious, he goes to check it out, one eyebrow raised while he deciphers the readout. Someone else hunting vampires? Interesting...

And then he notes the other read outs. Whoever it is is having shit luck...really shit luck Derek notes when a warning light starts to go off.

Aw, crap.

And with this realization, he's quickly to the door of the room Xander is in, and through it, gun already aimed. Doesn't take him a split second to figure out who is who, and he aims a shot at Cordelia's head]

Hey, vampire.

[And he shoots, the bullet grazing Xander on the way by. The bullets are both silver and blessed, although he's not sure that would do any good. Other than, you know, pissing her off. Guess he'll find out ( ... )


THAT'S THE SPIRIT, DEREK steadfastest October 19 2010, 13:29:41 UTC
AH! WHAT! GOT IT HANDLED, OKAY? [No you don't Xander--and that was a very near miss with the bullet. His sleeve is torn now, arm grazed and bleeding very slightly.

Cordelia, meanwhile, is able to dodge the bullet--literally--and is now VERY pissed off at Derek. At least she's not paying attention to Xander anymore.]

Since when did 80s rock become cool again? [Vamp Cordelia crouches and begins to approach Derek, on the attack.]


*lights a candle* \o/ derek_bliss October 19 2010, 13:49:38 UTC
[Of course you do, kid.

Derek doesn't say that out loud of course; his attention is as much on Cordelia as hers is on him. He's also crouched, much like her, watching her as she approaches. This is all going to be in the timing, and he knows it.]

Apparently about the same time your sense of fashion took a nose dive, lady.


XD steadfastest October 20 2010, 01:05:13 UTC
[Vamp Cordelia is SO offended by this, Derek! Instead of retorting she leaps straight at you, teeth and claws ready to tear your skin off your bones! Xander at least as the presence of mind to yell a warning.]



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