(no subject)

Apr 17, 2009 12:09

Me and Jen are in New York!!! I’m so excited :D It’s been quite a while since I’ve been to NYC just to visit and I think it’s the first time I’ve actually been wandering around alone. Well, technically I’m not alone but still. I like the independence. I also like that my mom seems to be perfectly okay with it. Not like she had much say in it to begin with but I’m happy nonetheless.

Right now, we’re sitting in a ramen restaurant called Ajisen. I can read a little bit of the menu! Best ramen I’ve had inna while too :D Apparently there’s one in Boston too. We’re so finding it. I <3 ramen. Sooooooo much deliciousnesss.

Basic Itinerary

Get to NYC: Check!

Wander around NYC: Doing that at the moment

Buy gifts for mom, dad and brother: Brother check! Mom working on, dad I have absolutely no clue. Still owe him his x-mas present >__>

Get to Madison Square Garden by 8:30 to catch bus to Philly

Get to Philly/Drexel University. Crash probably at Jen’s friend’s place

Hang out in Philly all next day, figure out what to do

Sleep in Philly, maybe go clubbing

Catch 9am bus to D.C

Get to Gaithersburg, chill out at home

SURPRISE ATTACK MARK (cause he has NO idea I’m coming home. I’ve only told a select few people haha)

Get Jen back to D.C the next day, chill at home for the next couple of days til parents decide to drive back up to Boston :)

Of course, there’s some studying to be done in between there. I do have another final on the 24th after all. But as long as the weather stays 70 and sunny like weather.com says it currently is, I will be absolutely fabulously set.
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