(no subject)

Apr 07, 2009 00:04

So I totally just re-discovered my love for Prince of Tennis &hearts!!!!!!

I'm excited for Otakon. I need to get money to first GO tot Otakon, but I'm definitely going. Somehow. No matter what. It's going to uber exciting :D

I really am a dork/nerd. All I needed to do was rewatch some anime and make my week. Now I actually feel motivated to do work. Not that I want to mind you >.> But I will. Now that I'm in a super uber good mood haha. I definitely need a mood uplifter after watching Audition in Film Class >_< Don't get me wrong. I love horror movies. Love them to absolute death. But Audition was hard to watch. Slow torture does not suit me with horror. But eh. Otherwise a good movie. Definitely not doing that for my research paper though lmao.

I might not sleep much tonight. My only class (Macroeconomics) got canceled so I have all of tomorrow to be productive...maybe. If tis not raining. Stupid rain making me not want to go out and be useful >__> It better not rain tomorrow. At least I hope it won't.

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