(no subject)

Apr 21, 2009 21:13

Mission Surprise the crap out of my boyfriend was a success :D I honestly wish I'd captured his face but Jen and I were too preoccupied by THE FACE to think about silly things such as taking pictures. "The Face" btw was Mark's expression when he realized I'd been standing in his line waiting for Jen to buy this huge ass bottle of water roflmao. It was quite wonderful.

My parents and Mark also absolutely love Jen. Yay! Now to just introduce Mark to my parents. That's gonna be a nice little load of fun. *sigh* Oh Asian parents. Not even that. Oh parents who think I don't know the meaning of a real relationship so I shouldn't have one at all >.< Rawr. We'll see. He's getting intros as a friend first, see if parents like him. Then they can figure out the boyfriend part. That's usually how things go. Something like that. Mereow.

Must continue studying for last final. He's hoping for an A! (Or at least a B-B+ >__>)
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