TV Tropes is my new favorite procrastination website. (Goodbye, Wikipedia!) It has snarky definitions on common contrived phenomenae (plotlines, character types, etc) in the media with copious examples, though I found it via anime and have of course been spending most of my time on the Digimon and Pokemon pages. Don't let this put you off, though, your fandom is probably here.
My friends, in a fit of procrastination,
made me a Bebo fanclub. Somewhere between the bemusement and the horror, I feel rather loved. Though I am rather inclined to agree with Gordon's comment: "Great..." Actually, my favorite comments is probably Jared's ("WHOOSH - first comment!").
Provisional subject confirmation letter arrived today. I got all my subjects, thank god. (Latin, music, photography, media, science.) I'm always worried my obscure subjects (read: Latin) will clash and I'll have to take something stupid like in Year 10 (as we all know, textiles was an unqualified disaster). However, I find it rather amusing that the Heads of Department were consulted for the subject choices.
I can just hear their reactions now...
Mrs. Mackenzie (Latin): "OF COURSE!!" (If I were Head of the smallest subject in NCEA (70 sitting it this year, a fourteenth of whom are from my class - look, I can math!), I'd be grateful for me too.)
Mrs. Sutherland (music): "YUS, someone for Scholarship! Never mind she can't perform to save herself, WE HAVE SOMEONE FOR SCHOLARSHIP!"
Mr. Khouri (photography): "Well, I never did get back to her about design, so we might as well let her into photography."
Ms. Henjiyoji (media): "EXCELLENT!" (Not even making this one up. This was, terrifyingly, her real reaction when she asked me if I was doing media next year and I said yes.)
Mrs. Greenwood (science): "Oh yeah, I remember her from Year 9 technology, she'll be fine!" (Again, not making this up. This was her approximate reaction when I e-mailed asking if I could still do it despite not having done any sciences this year. Well, she didn't specifically say Year 9 technology, but that's the only class I've ever had with her personally...)
Mrs. Reilly (English while Ms. Pidduck's out of commission): "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (etc)..."
Mr. Wosshisname (math): "Damnit, we're never going to get that book back, are we?"