"And you won’t always be as devoted to Bill as you are now."

Jul 06, 2010 00:19

I APOLOGIZE FOR THE EPIC LATENESS OF THIS! My life has just been insane lately so I've had literally no time at all to do these.

But the one good thing about no new ep this week (and it being a holiday week) is that I finally got to catch up ( Read more... )

tv: true blood, picspam: why eric is awesome, sookie stackhouse, picspam, public

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katayla July 6 2010, 06:10:56 UTC
HEY! I MISSED YOU! How've you been?

I love all the Pam we're getting this season! I knew she was upgraded to a regular, but I didn't know if that would translate to more actual screentime. I'm so glad they're keeping her and Eric's relationship (and MAYBE hers and Sookie's) essentially the same as in the books. Eric so needs that person to ground him and call him on his crap (make fun of him about Sookie . . .).

It's funny to think that WAS Sookie/Eric's first meeting since Godric. I think you can see the shift in their relationship. It's much closer to what it was in the books at this point. She doesn't seem afraid of him anymore.


starryeyedmagic July 6 2010, 14:00:21 UTC
ah I missed you too! I've been good, I just feel like I've been running nonstop lately. I started working all this overtime because work has been nuts, then pretty much everyone I know called me to do something at the same time (seriously people I haven't seen in months all had the same idea within the same two weeks, haha), and then I'm about to (or trying to) move into my friend's apartment next month so things have been...hectic to say the least. I've barely found time to sleep!

Yesterday was the first day I had nothing to do in what seemed like forever so I thought "OH GOSH I AM ERIC PICSPAMMING RIGHT NOW!" lol ( ... )


katayla July 6 2010, 23:16:23 UTC
At least it sounds like you've been busy with mostly good things! And moving into your friend's apartment sounds awesome!

I'm mostly same old, same old, though I think I have the same friends issue, haha. I went to see Eclipse with an old friend today, got out of the theater and had a text from someone else, asking me to meet up for coffee. And this is after several weeks of not really being social at all!

Getting to see their POV (when Sookie's not there) is one of my favorite things about the show.

YES. I think that's very important to make them something more than villains.

I also keep thinking of that moment in the 2nd book, when Sookie tells Eric she trusts him and she says he's crazy. They couldn't have had that exchange last year and made it believable. They could now.


starryeyedmagic July 7 2010, 13:33:06 UTC
Yea, I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that the apartment thing works out. It's near to the subway and has this amazing roof view so it would be pretty awesome.

haha is it terrible that I thought, "Yay you went to see another movie!" like it brings joy to my own life in some way?

It all seems to come in waves though. Sometimes I just have weird anti-social weeks and then weeks when I'm out every night. I think I'd probably prefer more of a mix.

Sookie tells Eric she trusts him and she says he's crazy. They couldn't have had that exchange last year and made it believable. They could now.
Yea, definitely. I mean, there's such a stark contrast between this time last year when she thought he wasn't capable of anything good at all and was simply a moustache twirling villian. And now she's seen him at his most vulnerable...and not only that, but she's felt it. That definitely has to make everything even more legitimate.


katayla July 7 2010, 18:41:29 UTC
Oooh, that sounds awesome!

But ECLIPSE? I feel like you should me lecturing me on my movie choices! ;) (I also saw Letters to Juliet! That might give me slightly more cred, lol.)

Yeah. The problem with having it come in waves is then I NEED the anti-social weeks to recover. It would probably be better with some kind of balance.

And they're almost making Bill into more of a bad guy. I mean, beyond all of the other disturbing parts of that last Bill/Lorena scene, I think it diminishes Bill/Sookie now that we've seen what Bill is capable of.


starryeyedmagic July 7 2010, 20:40:35 UTC
haha I was about to say something but...I went to go see it on Friday myself so it's not like I can really talk. Although my friend and I went out for margaritas beforehand because we figured alcohol was kind of necessary for a movie like that.

When we were having drinks my friend and I were comparing True Blood to Twilight. And it's just so different because Twilight takes itself SO seriously. Edward is like "BELLA I AM GOING TO THE HARDWARE STORE. BUT OUR LOVE IS FOREVER. I WILL RETURN TO YOU. MY HEART WILL BE WITH YOU AS I BUY A NEW HAMMER"

True Blood can be just as ridiculous at times, but they do it with a smirk on their face. They're totally self-aware. It's like they're saying, "haha we know this is batshit crazy, but that's what makes us so great!"

And then in those moments where they're not being silly I can actually take them seriously. Because it's like they've earned that.

And they're almost making Bill into more of a bad guy. I mean, beyond all of the other disturbing parts of that last Bill/Lorena scene, I ( ... )


katayla July 7 2010, 21:39:17 UTC
Haha, it's one of those movies that you almost HAVE to see just to see! My friend takes it a bit more seirously than me, I think, but not so serious that we didn't make fun of say, *GASP* BELLA PULLED EDWARD'S SHIRT OUT OF HIS PANTS!"

And it's just so different because Twilight takes itself SO seriously.

YES. I feel like that's the key for me in so many things. If you're too earnest, it just doesn't work.

That said, I thought Charlie was the best part of the movie, maybe because we weren't supposed to take him entirely seriously.

I was under the impression in the books that Lorena kind of just...used her "influence" over him so much that he couldn't resist.Same! Which was much more interesting, imo. It wasn't really Bill's fault, BUT it made sense that Sookie wasn't going to be,"Oh, that's okay, Bill!" (Although this version of Sookie might, sigh ( ... )


starryeyedmagic July 8 2010, 19:03:38 UTC
haha yea, I liked the Charlie bits. Although if any character in Twilight has a legit reason to be serious it's him. I remember laughing so hard/being totally apalled by the fact that in Breaking Dawn he was just like "So you're 18, married, taking care of some weird kid that I'm pretty sure is your demon spawn, got some kind of crazy plastic surgery, you may not be attending college as I thought, and you never ever call me....that's nice."

LOL my dad would have dropped dead himself if half of that stuff happened to me.

(Although this version of Sookie might, sigh.)I really hope not. I wonder how she'll even find out about what Bill did. It's interesting how in the book she knew the entire time that he cheated on her. It was more like "Yea, he cheated so our relationship is pretty much over, but I still love him so I don't want anything bad to happen to him ( ... )


katayla July 8 2010, 20:36:16 UTC
Haha, I could actually see my parents being supportive! I mean, they'd initially freak out and probably tell me I was ruining my life, but then my mom would be like BABY!!!! and that would distract her ( ... )


starryeyedmagic July 10 2010, 20:08:43 UTC
I hope she finds out soon too. Because even though she realizes that Bill has a "dark side" I'm not sure if she understands that it's more than just the fact that he's a vampire. Bill has a dark side that's very specific to just him.
All vampires have a dark side, absolutely, but Bill has this really messed up part of him that is partially Lorena's fault, but mostly his own fault. Eric, Pam, and Jessica all have some intensely dark issues, but I don't think any of them needs serious therapy more than Bill does. haha.

Bill just needs a support group or something. lol with the motto "Accept who you are. Be proud of who you are. And live the most awesome life you can with what you're given." Hating yourself and not doing anything to make your life better is helpful to no one. Just saying "Well my life sucks and I'm a terrible person and that will never change so I should just give in to being awful forever" is such a terrible/unhealthy attitude to have.

And he's taking that choice away from her.Yea, that's the worst part. I ( ... )


katayla July 10 2010, 22:41:39 UTC
Just saying "Well my life sucks and I'm a terrible person and that will never change so I should just give in to being awful forever" is such a terrible/unhealthy attitude to have.

And it's not even a vampire thing, really! I mean, I think we've discussed in the past that he doesn't need to feel guilty about drinking blood, since he can just drink true blood. Actually, I guess it links up to a lot of what we've discussed. It's not like being a vampire makes you automatically evil and it's not like being human makes you automatically good!

One of my favorite recent books was Bitten by Kelley Armstrong about a woman who becomes a werewolf not by choice and how a lot of her struggles were not so much about being a werewolf, but about having that choice taken away from her. I think that might be Bill's problem as much as anything. (And makes him taking away Sookie's choices EVEN WORSE ( ... )


starryeyedmagic July 11 2010, 02:11:48 UTC
It's not like being a vampire makes you automatically evil and it's not like being human makes you automatically good!
And I feel like that's one of True Blood's biggest themes. haha Bill should know that!

lol yea, Bill could call Sookie now. Wasn't there a part in the preview where he calls and she's wearing the same outfit she's wearing now? Maybe he does that at the start of tomorrow's ep?
...And he probably should have done that first before having sex with someone else. ugh.

We need to get rid of these controlling pop culture vampires who think they know what's best for their girlfriend. :( And of the girlfriends who seem almost literally incapable of surviving without them.Seriously! My co-worker and I were talking about Twilight/True Blood during our lunch hour on Friday ( ... )


katayla July 11 2010, 06:35:14 UTC
I normally don't see the previews 'cause I don't have HBO anymore, but, if he calls at all, I'm excited, lol! Maybe that's when the book stuff starts coming more in? In terms of Sookie considering the relationship over? But it really still won't be the same. In the books, I felt a little uneasy about her stuff with Alcide and Eric. Not overly so, but a little. And now I'll just be like, "YEAH. GO GET THEM."

Yep. Exactly with you. I want to believe most people reading/watching this stuff wouldn't accept it in real life, but stories DO matter. They affect people. We need some good examples out there of women/relationships. (And there ARE good ones, of course, so maybe I just mean we need more popular ones.)


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