[BtVS] Scapegoat 1/1, FR13, Faith/Angel

Jul 07, 2007 20:54

Title: Scapegoat
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane/Angel
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 100fics - #25 (coffee)
Notes: Set during the first season of Angel.
Summary: Angel comforts Faith.

Faith slowly sipped the slightly bitter coffee that Angel had given her. It was stronger than what she was used too, but it seemed to calm her nerves so she kept drinking it. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop because it seemed surreal that Angel, Buffy’s Angel, would offer her a chance of redemption. Especially when she knew that she really didn’t deserve that offer.

Faith knew that Angel had sent Wesley away but she also knew that she deserved anything that Wesley did to her. She had tortured her former Watcher because she had wanted someone to blame for her fall into evilness and madness. Faith wanted to punish someone for her actions. The man who had once been her fumbling Watcher had seemed the perfect scapegoat to her, just like she had been the perfect scapegoat for so long in her life.

Angel sat down on the coffee table in front of Faith, and he gently took the coffee cup away from her. He set it down on the table behind him and the brunette Slayer watched in fascination as he took her hands into his.

“There’s no blood here, Faith,” Angel gently told her.
“There’ll always be blood on my hands.”
“Do you see blood on mine?” Angel asked as he held his hand up for her.
“Angelus was far worse than you when it came to destruction and murder. And if I can find redemption, then so can you.”

He didn’t say anything as he pulled her into his arms and held her. This time she didn’t beg him to kill her nor did she sob. Instead she remained silent as she absorbed his strength and hope. Years of self-doubt in herself meant that she didn’t believe like Angel did, she knew that she’d always be trash. Faith knew that if given the chance, she slink into the gutter again and she’d kill for no other reason than because she enjoyed it.


buffyverse, faith/angel(us), 100fics, faith lehane

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