Title: Chicken Pox
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Dean Winchester, John Winchester
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
goddess_loki’s prompt of John, Dean and under the weather.
Notes: Set pre-series.
Summary: John hunts demons to protect his family; it’s the things that he can’t hunt that worry him the most.
John Winchester hunts demons to protect his two sons, however it’s the things that he can’t hunt that scare him the most. Things like the common childhood diseases like chicken pox terrify him because he can only watch helplessly as his eldest suffer.
It’s not until Dean’s almost over his illness that John begins to relax and that Dean really starts to get on his father’s nerves. Unlike Sammy, Dean is a bad patient. He whines about having to stay in bed and no matter how tired he is he always feebly attempts to get out of bed. There are times when John wonders if he’ll have to tie his eldest to the bed to keep him from getting up to train. Sammy, on the other hand, will quietly stay in bed reading or colouring when he’s awake. Getting Dean to stay in bed is harder than hunting a shape shifter.
“Dad, I’m fine,” Dean protests as he wobbles on his feet.
“Dean get back to bed,” John orders.
“I should be training, not sleeping.”
“You’re no good to me if you’re sicker than a dog.”
“Dad, I am fine, really,” Dean whines as he tries to slink past his father in the doorway.
“For that last Dean Winchester, get your ass back in bed.”
Dean stands in front of his father defiantly for a moment, and John briefly wonders if he’s going to have to physically restrain his son. And then all the fight leaves his eldest, and Dean casts his eyes downward as he turns around and stumbles back to bed. When he crawls back into bed and turns to face John again, he’s pouting and John wonders if he ever gave his own father and mother this much grief.
“You’re no good to me son, unless you listen to me,” John gruffly states.
“Fine,” Dean says with a pout.
“Stay put, I’ll make you some soup.”
Sammy darts into the room with his favourite book clutched in one hand and his tattered teddy bear in the other. Dean’s still trying to look defiant but fails miserably with his glassy eyes and stifled yawn.
“What do you have there Sam?” John asks.
“Mr. Snuggles and my favourite book. It’s for Dean.”
“I don’t want your stupid book,” Dean says with a slight whine in his voice.
“Dean, be nice to your brother.”
“It’s okay Daddy, Dean’s not feeling well. He’s not mad at me,” Sam replies as he sits down on the bed beside his brother, “But I’m gonna read to him.”
John shrugs his shoulder as he turns and heads to the kitchen. He knows that tomorrow when Dean’s feeling a bit better, it’ll be even more of a fight to keep his son in bed where he belongs.