DA FIC: Not Always the Bad Guy 1/1, FR13, M/A, M/L

May 20, 2007 15:03

Title: Not Always the Bad Guy
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max/Alec, mention of Max/Logan
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Prompts: fic_variations - sweet
Word Count: 620
Notes: Set mid-Season Two.
Summary: Max starts to see Alec as something more than just a bad guy.

“Why am I always the bad guy with you Max?”

After Max had told Alec about Ben, things had started to change between them. She could never really pinpoint when and how things had changed. Instead Alec went from being public enemy number one to being a genuine friend. She started to trust him and look at him as more than just a smart aleck. It helped that Alec started to change as well. He went from looking out for just himself, to helping her with all of the transgenics that she seemed to be a magnet for.

They still didn’t see eye to eye on almost everything, including Max’s belief that she was responsible for all of the transgenics because she had freed them from Manticore. They certainly didn’t agree on what Alec perceived to be the sickly-sweet relationship that she had with Logan, or the current lack of one because she was being stubborn. Yet every time that Max needed Alec, he was there for her and it wasn’t because she kept saving his ass.

It seemed to Max that one day Alec went from being a constant thorn in her side to something more. She kept pushing him away because he confused her. Max started to find herself falling for the charismatic X5, yet she still had feelings for Logan. Original Cindy had told her that it was normal and it was because she couldn’t have Logan while the virus was still in her system. She had gone to tell Max that it had something to do with transference but at that point Max had started to tune Original Cindy out. Max wasn’t too sure that she was developing feelings for Max just because she couldn’t have Logan.

Logan had been the man who she had seen herself growing old with and having kids with. Or he would have been if Manticore hadn’t infected her with a virus that was tailored to his DNA. And she even if she hadn’t had the virus, Max had come to realize that there was no way that they could have a future together. There would always be some organization or someone that would hunt her down because of what she was. Tinga might have made it work for a time but in the end her sister’s carefully constructed house of cards had come tumbling down. And Max couldn’t do that to Logan or any child that they might have had together.

Alec was her other half and he knew her inside and out. She knew that part of it came from having lived the same life (even if she had run away.) Max could communicate volumes with Alec with a simple look or touch, unlike Logan who need to talk about everything. Alec might complain about how she had been weak and had run away from Manticore, but deep down on the inside they were both the same. She was connected to Alec in ways that she’d never be connected to Logan.

For Max, it wasn’t just a simple case of transference. She had feelings for both men because of who they were and not just because she couldn’t have Logan. So Max did the one thing that made sense to her, she pushed both of them away and denied herself the sweet pleasure of having a relationship with either one of them. Original Cindy kept telling her just because she couldn’t have Logan didn’t mean that she couldn’t have Alex (especially when Logan believed that she already did have Alec.) Max had silenced her friend but telling her that she just had too much on her plate to deal with and that she didn’t need the added dynamic of changing her relationship with Alec on top of everything else.


dark angel, max/alec, max/logan, fic_variations

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