DA FIC: The Meaning of Family 1/1, FR13, no pairing

May 20, 2007 15:01

Title: The Meaning of Family
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: mention of Max/Logan
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron and company.
Prompts: none
Word Count: 267
Notes: Set in between Seasons One and Two.
Summary: The thought of family is the only thing that keeps Max going.

Before she had arrived in Seattle on a grey and rainy day, Max’s sole focus had been finding her family. Nothing else mattered to her but that solitary goal. Everything that she did had been designed to bring her one step closer to her brothers and sisters. When she arrived in Seattle, things started to change.

Things had changed so rapidly that Max wasn’t even aware of the shift in her perspective until Zach had commanded her to leave Seattle and she just couldn’t. She knew that Zach didn’t understand her reluctance to leave and he was angry at what he perceived to be sheer stubbornness. To him Logan and the others were just bystanders when it came to her safety. Max couldn’t put into words that after searching for so long for her family, that she had found a new one.

It went beyond any attraction that she had for Logan. When she had been on the verge of leaving Seattle, she had realized that it wasn’t just Logan that she was leaving behind. And when it came down to it, Max couldn’t leave Original Cindy, Sketchy, Kendra, and Herbal behind, anymore than she could leave Logan behind. They had become her family just as the other escaped X5’s had been her family.

Now as she struggled to survive in Manticore once more, it was the thought of her surrogate family in Seattle that kept her going every day. It was the need to return to them that kept her defiant and fueled her to keep going instead of giving up, or even worse giving in.


dark angel, max guevera

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