Boy Band Friday

Sep 18, 2009 18:38

Apparently my Web Design teacher, who's a basketball coach, father of three little boys and otherwise your standard-issue Manly Man (tm), has an irrational love for boy bands. He insists upon inflicting said love on the rest of us every Friday, so we usually all wind up sitting at our various computers and half-grudgingly, half-gleefully singing along with The Backstreet Boys as we write HTML and CSS files. It's all rather odd and hilarious.

I wonder if there's some ideal boy-band-song limit for coding like there is for alcohol. It also disturbs me that every single one of us remembers the lyics to "I Want It That Way." IDEK.

Speaking of boy bands, Grace and I randomly decided to watch an episode of Kim Possible yesterday, and I'd completely forgotten how amazingly brilliant it was. This was my show when I was a kid, man. You gotta check it out. Best Episode Ever (and also most appropriate for this discussion):

image Click to view

Also, alarming/hysterical factoid for you Losties: the voice of Senor Senior Junior (the whiny yellow-shirted 'international pop sensation') was provided by none other than Mr. Eyelashes himself, Nestor Carbonell! ~THE CIRCLE IS NOW COMPLETE. OR SOMETHING. YEAH.~

geek-things, wtf, random love, links

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