The Nerd Army is outfitted and ready to roll.

Mar 29, 2009 15:30

I talk about my Physics class all the time, and for good reason. I adore it. I love the material, my teacher, and my classmates, but most of all I love it when we manage to confound other people with our boundless geeky enthusiasm.

A few weeks ago I designed a shirt for the class -- it's a tradition for the AP kids to get t-shirts printed, and because I have access to a tablet/Photoshop/art skills, I was the designated creator. We got the shirts a couple of days ago, and they look great. Apparently other people think so too, because they seem to have found their way onto Teh Internetz.

Behold my handiwork, or at least something tangentially related! Note: Jake is my classmate and good friend, and the shirt's infinitely more hilarious if you've actually done the problem the design is based off of.

Hee. :D

school, epic win, artsy-stuff, science!

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