
Apr 02, 2012 01:38

Well, this was an interesting weekend! This past week was all kinds of obnoxious due to my final set of internship and study abroad applications. Essays, essays everywhere. I also had one of those charming group projects where I wound up doing the majority of the work and having to get snappish because people weren't submitting their information in ( Read more... )

movies, artsy-stuff, food

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Comments 6

draycevixen April 2 2012, 12:48:00 UTC

I hope the internship and study abroad things work out for you. ♥

My sympathies on the group project. I always loathed them as the work load was never evenly distributed and so never assigned them for my students,

International food festivals are always a good time, but then I'll eat just about anything *once* at least.

If you like the costume, WEAR the costume. This from someone who has worn some pretty obscure things for Halloween.


starfoozle April 2 2012, 19:08:01 UTC
Thank ya dear. And this is why you were probably the most awesome teacher.

I just might! The costume in question will take a fair bit of thought and effort to put together, but if I actually manage to pull it off it'll be pretty cool. (I am ridiculous and start planning for Halloween months in advance. Costumes are my favorite.)


steph2311 April 2 2012, 16:08:16 UTC
I hope the applications go well.

UGH I hated group work when we did it at uni. It always caused arguments and it was always difficult to meet up and actually do it particularly because I was on a day release program adnd lived 100 miles from my uni.

I really wish we had street fairs/ carnivals here.

I need to go and see Hunger Games. I'm hoping to do it this week off work


starfoozle April 2 2012, 19:14:33 UTC
Thanks! Yeah, definitely go see The Hunger games, it's fantastic.


lostsailors April 2 2012, 19:37:43 UTC
Yes omg, I also feel leaving Katniss' head did a world of good for the story. It wasn't needed so much in this volume but by the time we get to "Mockingjay" it's going to make SUUUUCH a diff because she is so internal and passive in that book.

And omg!!! I love taxidermy weirdness as you know, found anything good?

And and!! Holy EFF. Love "The Fall"! No one has seen the movie. Soooo pretty and the little girl is adorbs. Can you believe that director now made "Mirror Mirrorr"? Seriously when I saw the various Snow White trailers I thought for sure "The Huntsman" was his.


starfoozle April 3 2012, 04:42:51 UTC
Indeed. I read half of Catching Fire in one go today (I've been sitting on the books for aaaaaaaaaages but kept getting sidetracked by in-class readings) and was reminded of how much of the story actually goes on in Katniss's head alone ( ... )


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