
Apr 02, 2012 01:38

Well, this was an interesting weekend! This past week was all kinds of obnoxious due to my final set of internship and study abroad applications. Essays, essays everywhere. I also had one of those charming group projects where I wound up doing the majority of the work and having to get snappish because people weren't submitting their information in ( Read more... )

movies, artsy-stuff, food

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starfoozle April 3 2012, 04:42:51 UTC
Indeed. I read half of Catching Fire in one go today (I've been sitting on the books for aaaaaaaaaages but kept getting sidetracked by in-class readings) and was reminded of how much of the story actually goes on in Katniss's head alone.

Oh man, there are some pretty neat taxidermy/zoology people over on Tumblr who made me think of you a bit. Several of them veer into the hippie/neo-pagan/spirit animal stuff territory, but so it goes. Check out Shadyufo, Naturepunk, Urbanmongoose, and Arsanatomica (be warned, the latter is a bunch of scientific illustration on anatomical studies and features a fair number of dissections. A bit gruesome but mostly just remarkable.) And if you're up for a laugh, check out Crappytaxidermy.

HOW HAS NOBODY SEEN THAT MOVIE. IT IS THE MOST PERFECT THING TO EVER HAPPEN. Sigh. I'm going to have to buy it somewhere down the line, because it is just too lovely. What's with all the fairytale reboots going on lately? Two different Snow White retellings, plus this Once Upon A Time thing? I'm not sure what to make of that.


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