Mar 16, 2012 00:30
Well, we can add Korean instant coffee powder to my list of Dubious Things I Have Ingested In The Name Of Science.
I had never made instant coffee before, was fascinated by the granules, and decided to try a large pinch dry. It was not unlike getting punched in the mouth by the God of Caffeine. Oof, bitter. Whatever this stuff is, it actually brews up really nicely, and the sugar and creamer-like-substance levels are perfect. I think I shall stick to it in liquid form, though.
This morning I was part of a Comm Lab research study that turned out to be a pre-breakfast case of gender-based shenanigans. The study was meant to determine how "chick lit" influences readers' body images. We had to read an excerpt from a story and then answer a bunch of questions about whether we identified with the main character -- and then a hell-ton of questions about how we'd rate the attractiveness of our own body parts on a scale of one to seven (they actually asked us to rate the attractiveness of our own eyebrows, body scent, and butts, among other bizarrely specific questions. What even.) They made a bunch of generalizations about people's sex lives, which I cheerfully wrote all over in pencil instead of actually answering, but to their credit, they did include an option for non-binary genders. Needless to say, it was interesting.
This whole "chick lit" thing is quite peculiar. In the 8-page excerpt they gave us, there were at least five painfully detailed descriptions of various items of clothing, a friend ragging on another friend's body shape and weight, a romance that starts after literally knowing the other person for one day, and somebody being peer-pressured into a blind date. Apparently we're supposed to identify with the main character, but she didn't actually have a personality to speak of. Honestly, it was like bad self-insert fanfiction, but was actually from a published novel! Who...actually reads these? Does anyone actually read these? And why? No disrespect toward the people who do, I just cannot see any sort of appeal to this personally.
Perhaps I was not the person this study was looking for.
Other than that, not much new to report. I'm psyched POI got picked up for another season and have been bouncing fic ideas around with the roommate. I've also been trying to figure out study abroad stuff and waiting to hear back from all my internships. They've all said they'll notify candidates within "the next few weeks," but unfortunately that time frame could be anywhere from two to six. We'll see.