So I read
this article on my cellphone and it angered me so that I had to jump onto the actual tubes and express my disgust. For those that don't like clicking on links(and I don't blame you, it's a) spyware b) terrible, mind-tainting porn and/or c) Fox News), there is a Texas legislator named Leo Berman trying to pass a bill that would allow private colleges(like
the Institute for Creation Research) to grant a Master of Science degree without reference to the Texas Higher Education Coordinatin' Board. He argues that since they are not taking state or federal funds, they shouldn't be regulated.
Of course, this is being met with overwhelming amounts of outrage(check), disgust(check), and ridicule(check). The two major arguments are:
- This bill would open up Texas to degree mills, and "all sorts of chicanery" says Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education. “I mean, all you have to do, it looks to me from the bill, is start a non-profit organization, don’t take any federal or state money, and then offer degrees in any fool subject you want.” Right on, Dr Scott.
"Berman sees the board's decision to deny ICR certification as a double standard.
“If a school’s teaching all evolution, would that be a balanced education?” he asked. “So it’s the same thing on both ends of the stick.”"
You know, guys, he's right. Let's give our young bright minds a balanced education! Medical schools around the country are totally ignoring other medical theories- I move that we force them to teach about the four bodily humors as a source of illness as well. Otherwise, shit just ain't balanced, is it?
ICR is actually
already offering a Professional Certificate in Creationist Worldview. I actually had to doublecheck that because it sounds so fake. In the section on student requirements, the very first requirement is that students are "expected to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior". You know, this is actually not the first institution of higher learning I've encountered that requires the students to conform to certain beliefs*, but it is the first "scientific" institution to do so.
* Back in the day, my dad tried to convince me to go to
Berean Baptist College, which now is a bible school, but back in the day also taught "regular" subjects, such as offering degrees in Home Economics and other subjects vaguely related to the whole ideal of happy, sexist Christian families doing God's work.
/stomps back to her cave now