Whoa, I'm becoming one of those terrible LJ updaters. How queer.
I'm making it official: I am abandoning the fat girl cause. I'm jumping off the bandwagon. I'm gonna lose all this weight and not miss it one bit. Thank you
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think it's immoral to be fat, I don't think it means that you're sloppy or lazy or piggish. Oink oink!* But I know for a fact that for me, personally, I was NOT meant to be this weight. I've been fat all my life, but I know that this isn't the size my body wants to be. My body wants to run, and run fast. I've been waylaid by depression and emotional eating, but I've really committed to losing the most of the extra weight I'm carrying.
* It is possible to be piggish regardless of size- and I for one will always revere Miss Piggy.
So, that's what I've been up to. I'm working out pretty regularly and keeping a food/weight diary at
The Daily Plate, and blogging boring details of my exercise life over at
Runner's World. I'm also trying to keep up with school, etc, and pondering weddingness, but since I'm the worst bride in the world, my ponderings so far are mostly, "I don't want to do XYZ, it is D-U-M-M dumb." I just want to marry him, is that so much to ask?! I've also been taking out HUGE... stacks of books from the library. Now that they are all technological and I never have to interact with a person who might conceivably judge my book binges, I'm all up in their grill, reading their books. And that is my boring life in a nutshell. No great ideas, no awesome realizations... just doing my thing over here.