Mar 24, 2008 09:54

So I went to the cat lady's house (she's a serious cat lady, but a cat lady for good! she rescues feral cats and tames them and tries to find them homes.) I was there for two hours or so. She has a batch of kittens she rescued around christmas. There was only one she thought was social enough to go home with someone. She had named him Mozart, but I renamed him Grisha. it's Russian and it means "watchful". which is rather appropriate for a half-feral cat. I took him home yesterday around 4:00, and after a cursory sniff at the litter box crawled under my bed and hid there all night. He didn't even come out for dinner. I stayed at my house since it was his first night in a strange new place. in the morning I was able to pull my bed away from the wall far enough to grab him and pull him out of hiding. Once I was petting him he settled down a lot. I fed him breakfast and he tucked in with gusto, only every time he heard a noise he stopped to see what was going on. and when i was getting dressed my pants scared him and he ran back under the bed, but came out once i stuck my head under the bed at him. So my face is ok, but my legs are scary. i took him into the kitchen to see mom, and she took a few pictures which i will upload when i get home (i'm writing this at work between phone calls). he loots a afraid in them because the dogs were scaring him, but you'll be able to see how absolutely ADORABLE he is.

My only issue is that he's older than i wanted. he is between 4 and 5 months old, so he's kind of a "teenager" instead of a "baby". and i did really want a baby. but i'm doing a good deed and rescuing an unwanted feral cat. and he is the most beautiful cat ever. and cats grow up fast anyway, so even if i did give him back and wait another month to get a baby, he or she would grow up really fast and i wouldn't have a baby for long, so its probably more important that I get one i will love even when they are a cat. but i'm worried that i'll regret not getting a baby in a month or two when they are available. what do you guys think? should i give him back before i fall too much in love and wait for what i originally wanted, or should I trust that fate/chance gave me Grisha and I will be happy and I should stick with him? I really like him, but i'm worried that if i don't do what i originally wanted I'll regret it. advice?

also, this: is totally true.
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