Wow, where to start....

Mar 23, 2008 11:29

OK, well after dating for only three weeks, Katey dumped me. This was on a friday afternoon, and i knew that left to my own devices I would spend the entire weekend mopeing, because thats what i do. so I attempted to cut it off before i got started, and I called Bay and went down to santa barbera for the weekend. We didnt get out of our pajamas almost the entire time, we watched lots of Buffy and looked at kittens and lolcats, we played Guildwars (he had gotten me an expansion for christmas and that was the first time i'd been able to get it from him) we just hung out and had a good time. and yah, there were some awkward bits. but not nearly as many as you would expect, considering the crazy situation we have.

I applied for San Fraqncisco State for next fall, and was really excited until i realized that there was a 5 unit math class cuesta made me take that isnt transferable, and i was on the edge for units as it was. so that didnt work out, and in a fit of pouty depression i droped my statistics class. which in hindsight was really stupid, but in my defence she was the worst teacher i ever had, including all the ones in highschool.

I've been hanging out with Rachel more, which is lots of fun. We had a joint birthday party, but we didnt really communicate thing well and she and her friends left after an hour, which was pretty lame. but me and Katharine stayed up until dawn talking, and it was really good to clear the air between us.

For my birthday my parents said i could get a kitten, which surprised the hell out of me because at christmas they were totally against it. so we went and got a litter box and food bowls, but then found to my consternation that there were NO KITTENS TO BE FOUND ON EARTH! apparently "kitten season" isnt until late april. i checked every pet store and rescue agency in this county and santa barbera county. Finally on craigslist i found ONE person with three rescued 4 month old kittens. i'm meeting them today, and hopefully I bond with one of them. If not, i have to wait another month. i am really not good at delayed gratification.

Over spring break I am house sitting for some family friends. They have two cats and a dog. the dpg growls at me and barks for half an hour every time i come home. but the cats are adorable. except this morning when Jasper woke me up at 7am because he was scratching his neck repeatedly. he has a bell on his collar, and it would ring the whole time. so i got up and kicked them out of my room and shut the door, and thankfully was able to get back to sleep until 10. which is surprising,. because i realized too late that my room has an east-facing window, and no curtains. its the guest room, so i suppose it never was an issue for them before. I think its awesome that i'm being paid to stay somewhere away from my parents (for some reason things have been rrally strained between me and mom lately, and i have no idea why) and have two kitties for a week. Although staying here makes me wish i wasnt single. i would have killed for an opportunity like this when i was dating Bay: i have the run opf the house, privacy, its spring break, and they have a kitchen to make Bay drool. Even if i was still dating Katey, who likes cooking about as much as i do (anything more complex than posta or eggs is a no) it would be awesome to have our own space for as long as we wanted.

OK, i think that's all the big news. I will post again soon with pictures if I get my kitten!
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