Dear customers,
Please allow me to demonstrate the proper method of standing in line:
The one on the left? Really fucking annoying, especially since the customers who do it usually just stand there, staring at me intensely, or even interrupting the person I'm checking in with "You guys got rooms?" That is not how a line works. Back off and wait your goddamn turn.
Hey, people?
-When I say the rate is $69.99 plus tax, don't ask me "So does that include the tax?"
-When I answer the phone with "Thank you for calling RandomHotel, blah blah blah" don't ask "Is this RandomHotel?"
-I am not anybody's keeper. If I tell you that the guest in 101 is not answering his phone, don't ask me "Well, where is he? When did he leave?" I don't know or care where he is- he could have left through any of our three doors.
-Yeah. I know the phones on the second floor aren't dialing out. Here's my manager's name and phone number. Maybe you can get him to fix it, since I've already reminded him three times.
-I'm sorry you got lost because we changed the name on our building but not on the website you booked your room with. I'm sorry the directions on our site tell you to turn east instead of west off the freeway ramp. I'm sorry you booked a room that doesn't actually exist. Again, here's my manager's number.
-Go fuck yourself.