
Jan 04, 2012 21:10

You know you're working for a crappy hotel when you have to dig through a pile of sheets to find one that doesn't have stains on it. I'm embarassed to work here sometimes. When I check people in, I want to say "Here's your key, and I'm sorry in advance."

We've been going through the process of reflagging to something that's supposedly more upscale, but doing that is like putting a business suit on a homeless man without giving him a shave and a shower. It's not fooling anybody. The rooms are still tiny. There's still a layer of dust on the nightstands and the microwave turntables are covered in old, crusted-on food. The lights don't work unless you fiddle with several different switches. Guests who request a new lightbulb will hear this explanation "Try the switch by the door, then by the nightstand or the window. If that doesn't do the trick, try the button on the fixture itself." It shouldn't be so damn complicated!

Also, I have no idea what happened to the bathtub plugs in a few of the rooms. And of course I don't have any extras, so what should I tell people? If you want to take a bath, try sticking a washcloth in the drain?

And for all this trouble, our prices are way too high. Customers come in looking for a room, and I tell them '$84.99 plus tax' and cower. (I don't set these; please don't hurt me!) They leave without taking a room, and what can I do? The GM tells me not to let people walk out, but I get in trouble if I go too low on the price. He must think I'm a fucking magician! We're really not all that great, so why should they stay here when they can get a room at Motel 6 for fifty bucks?

Damn, I hate it here, and yet I can't bring myself to search for another job.

work woes

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