
Apr 01, 2009 22:49

Firstly, I want to apologize if any of my eros rhapsodizing has offended any of my new lady followers. This has always been my traditional place for thoughts to run from me in my stream of consciousness, no matter what the subject matter might be.

I find myself ill again, not quite as spectacularly as before, but still quite debilitatingly. This time I brought it on myself, too much exercise and low-cal diet, then followed by high-calorie junkfood and lack of sleep. Although I didn't quite expect a double-header visit to the hospital.
It's symptomatic of my ability to delude myself I think, whenever I attempt these periods of "burning" the next time I *won't* get sick; in fact, I can't think of a time I didn't.
Proper habits must be followed, no matter how much I was to "push" it. On the plus side I suppose, I've lost a few pounds on my diet of orange juice and sporadic bowls of ice cream to soothe my throat.

I've been pushing myself, without a doubt. Exercise, school, work, etc. I've been forced to take a week off, not to enjoy however, but I accept the Universe's decision when it smacks me upside the head with an ear infection, sore throat, magnesium deficiency, night sweats, I could go on.

acceptance, zen, dreaming, hope, annoyed, sick

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