Once again, in the crazy place

Mar 29, 2009 15:51

The fever place, sick but this time for good reason. I tried to exerc se and diet as I always have, losing poundage is something I need to get done, hopefully before I graduate. But no matter what measures I take, this time or the last, I end up sick. My postulation is lowered blood sugar/caloric intake makes me more sucepitble to infection of any kind, and if I stay up too late, or do anything too strenuous,. I end p with a sore throat and a good 'ol fashioned headcold.

But once again, the cocktail shaker in my mind is divesting of its thoughts and ideas. On the plus side, they're pretty coherent with my last period of frenetics; want a new home, want a gf. I'm still a little gun-shy after being so out of it with the roomies, but I'm learning to stop obsessing over it, stop torturing myself (it's hard to break habits from childhood after all).

On event that was interersting and I was going to write about ill or no ill was a funny moment which came to me in a Starbucks down the street from my Harvard lab. There were two girls waiting in line for coffee. I had be en given one with the revolting dregs of a Pikes place, and while I waited for a new on eI had the opportunity to people watch a bit.

The girl that of course first cauth my eye was wearing a perfect light summer dress, wicker-iish looking flats, perfect mascara, even tan, big blue eyes, and highlighted naturally curly hair cascading over her shoulders.

The other girl was shorter wearing black pants, black shoes, and a simple long-sleeved black top. She had a little extra weight,s sort of that midwestern well-fed look, and the most simple and amiable face I had aver seen; pale skin, slights smile on a face that was obviously designed for it, no makeup. short black straight hair.

I'm not sure if it was the designer portion of my brain kicking in, but as I was standing there a thought struck me: They're both equally beautiful.

Flats Girl had put alot of work into how she looked, right down to just the right amounts of sparkling jewelry on her neck and wrist. But all the Iowa Princess had to do was show up.

I've seen it before but never in such stark contrast, right next to each other. Truly, beauty is skin deep, nut what can one say of a person who natural looks as beautiful as someone who puts hours and hours in to the procedure? And, what if, when she stops putting the hours in, she still looks just as beautiful?

beauty, hungry (not for food), scared, sick, contemplating

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