The Story of Us: Part 3/5

Nov 26, 2006 22:33

Title: The Story of Us 3/5
Author/Artist: mandylynn4
Theme: Five Stages of Love - HOPE
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Summary: This happens "just" before the beginning of "Once More With Feeling." It is alluded to by Xander saying the evening before was very disturbing and Spike telling Buffy that he'd seen some damn funny things...and that he already knew about the singing. So...ummm...let's pretend that I'm not trying to make up some canon...okay?

~*~The Story of Us: Part 3 (Hope Is A Waking Dream)~*~

Okay, so summoning a musical demon is not a good thing. Xander sat on the floor of the crypt, staring at his hands. He and Spike…well, there was song. There was dance. There was kissage. The kind of kissage that one gives his fiancé, not a male vampire that just so happens to be his crush. It was a tiny crush…

Maybe he shouldn’t have left his apartment tonight. Maybe he should have chanced it with Anya and her griping for an evening. Maybe he shouldn’t have…

“Would you please quit analyzing it?” Spike was laying on his back on top of a tomb. “We sang in each other’s presence. You can’t tell me my voice was that bad.”

Xander looked up sharply. “We…we…” He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“Snogged?” Spike rolled over on his side so he could see Xander. “If you can’t say it, you’re probably too young…”


Spike’s eyes met his. He must have seen something and misinterpreted it because he rolled back over onto his back and sighed. “Won’t mention it to anyone. Happy?”

“No.” From somewhere far off, they could hear a tune beginning. It made shivers go up Xander’s back. “I’d…I’d better go. Don’t want to…”

“Mmm-hmmm. I understand. Wouldn’t want to lip-lock with Spike again.”

“…actually, I just don’t want to sing again…”

He rolled back over and Xander could see that damn eyebrow raise suggestively. Xander ran as the music swelled.

stages of love: passion, buffy the vampire slayer, emotions: hope

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