The Story Of Us: Part 2/5

Nov 26, 2006 22:25

Title: The Story of Us 2/5
Author/Artist: mandylynn4
Theme: Five Stages of Love - COMPASSION
Rating: PG
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Summary: During the "Summer without Summers," wherein Xander feels bad for Spike and the BuffyBot.

~*~The Story Of Us: Part 2 (Simple Human Pity is More Helpful Than Wisdom)~*~

"Spike is my love bunny! He's a sex machine - just like me!"

He looks pained. He looks uncomfortable and embarrassed and sickened and, most of all, completely and totally miserable.

“Could you…could you take all of that out?” Spike choked, turning his head away from the BuffyBot. His arms wrapped themselves around his chest. Xander, for some odd reason, wanted to be hugging the vampire. It wasn’t so much a lusty thing - although those thoughts had been more and more common since they had been slaying together so much - but more of a hug-the-pain-away feeling.

“I’ll do what I can,” Willow offered, peeling back the skin on the BuffyBot’s back. “It’s all still pretty complicated…”

“You’re telling me.”

Spike and Xander looked at each other as they realized they’d spoken at the same time.

“Uh, I…I’ve gotta go. Slayage tomorrow night? Same time, same place? Okie dokie.”

Xander tried to speed out of the Magic Box without looking conspicuous, but he was stopped as soon as he reached the alley. He tried not to look up from his shoes. He knew who it was.

“Want to kill something?”

He couldn’t help it. He had to look. Spike’s body language was trying to say he was rough and tough, but his eyes were soft and still so sad. Xander couldn’t stop himself. His arms went around the smaller frame in a tight, squeezing hug. Then, they dropped to his sides.

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

buffy the vampire slayer, emotions: compassion, stages of love: romance

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