Labyrinth: Jareth/Sarah, Smell & Taste

Apr 25, 2006 23:42

Title: Nothing of His World
Author: astarvingwriter
Theme: Five Senses: Smell
Rating: Any Age
Author's Plea: yes, yes, late again, but better late than never. My apologies. I've had all the luck lately. Still to edit but please, enjoy if you can.

Nothing of His World
Standard Disclaimer Applies

Her smell is like nothing of his world. It is nothing he can name and certainly nothing he can create.

He wonders if she knows that such happy confidence, such honest youth and complete humanity leaves such a lovely fragrance.

When she defeats the labyrinth, he pays homage to her scent by attempting to capture it. He is unsuccessful. His lack of power over her seems to extend to the very air left in her wake.

When she returns, he cannot help but keep her. Such a wondrous thing as her smell should not be wasted on anyone but him.


Title: No Other Way
Author: astarvingwriter
Theme: Five Senses: Taste
Rating: Any Age

No Other Way
Standard Disclaimer Applies

He tastes of nothing and everything and leather. She suspects he would have it no other way.

She tastes of whatever he wishes she taste like. He would have it no other way.

But when they are caught up in that dangerous moment, when all barriers are removed and all senses collide, they can do nothing but revel in the pure essence and everything of each other. When he stops controlling and she stops wishing, there is no one taste but life.

They find no words to describe something so surely influenced by magic. They would have it no other way.

labyrinth, five senses, jareth/sarah

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