Smallville (Clark/Chloe/Lex) Trouble in Paradise

Apr 26, 2006 01:08

 Title: Fixing it
Pairing: Clark/Chloe/Lex
Theme:Trouble in paradise- Reconciliation

Lois Lane was pissed off.

She watched as Chloe shadowed around the school, a fragment of her usual ,annoying at times, perky self. Rumors around the school were flying and she was sure that wasn't helping any.

It was time to get Chloe back.


"Alright Luthor, it's time to get off you butt and fix this."

Lex looked startled at the declaration Lois made when she came through the door. However he quickly manged to cover is surprise. "And may I ask what it is that I am expected to fix?"

"Look" Lois started, I don't know what kinky thing you have going on with my cousin and Clark and I don't want to know the details. But I do know that Chloe hasn't been herself since this ended and you're going to change that."

Lex raised an eyebrow. "And why would I do that?"

"Because you love them."

And there it was. All of the hurt Lex had been trying to push down for the last week came rising to the surface. He knew he could have taken comfort in Chloe but he knew she would feel the same way she did. Without Clark, the relationship just wasn't complete.

But if Lois knew what was going on with Clark..."What do you want me to do?"


"Lex what is so important that I had to-" Clark stopped at the sight of Chloe and Lex sitting in the armchairs by the fireplace. Blinking rapidly he turned to leave. Only to come face to face with Lois.

"Oh no Farm Boy, you guys are going to stay in this room until you all are a happy dysfunctional working relationship again."

"Just let him go Lois." Chloe said dejectedly. "He obviously has somewhere he rather be."

Clark turned to immediately deny it but stopped himself. He could walk out right now and let them go for good. He could let them get on with their lives.

Except that he really couldn't.

"That's not true Chloe I love you two."

"I must say Clark you have an interesting way of showing it."

Clark looked at Lex. "I had to let you go. You wouldn't want to be around me one you found out..."

"What Clark? I told you we would always be here for you."

Clark said nothing for a while as he struggled with himself. In the end he figured that since he was this far gone already with them he might as well finish what he started. "Fine," he said shifting," I guess I should start..."

Lois closed the door behind her not wanting to disrupt the overdue reconciliation.

clark kent/lex luthor/chloe sullivan, trouble in paradise, smallville

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