Stargate SG-1, Samantha Carter/Martouf

Feb 07, 2006 14:20

Title: Believing is Seeing
Author/Artist: Lizardbeth (lizardbeth_j)
Theme: Attraction
Rating: Gen
Word Count: Drabble

The hat is goofy. But nothing else about him is.

Not his eyes, intensely pale blue and alight with curiosity, wary but open in admiration,

Not his smile, impossible to resist.

Not his body, which she knows is slender and strong.

Definitely not his hands, which she remembers touching her with intimate love.

But it wasn't her, and that makes things awkward and strange. She knows more than she should, and he doesn't know her at all.

When Martouf returns to his people, she says nothing. There'll be plenty of time once their loss isn't so raw. She can wait.

stargate: sg-1, samantha carter/martouf, attraction

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