Attraction: Red Dragon - Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter

Feb 07, 2006 23:03

Title: At First Glance
Author: evilremmy
Theme: Attraction
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I'm already writing Pirates of the Caribbean - but I wanted to write some brief studies of Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter - so this is me taking advantage of that.

Dr Hannibal Lecter’s first glance of Will Graham was of an exhausted, dark eyed man who looked like he would prefer nothing better than a perpetual state of drug induced hibernation.

From his talks with the man’s superiors, he had gleaned much of Will’s profession and personality.

Apparently, however, they seemed to be taking advantage of his gift of emotional projection.

Will Graham was currently working as a profiler for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. His extraordinary talents were the key to his success: The poor boy was an eideteker; that is, that if he could look at something for long enough, he could glean almost anything from the image. Coupled with extraordinary imagination, he could look deep into the mind of others; put themselves into their positions and see through their eyes.

From a painting, he could see the artist, their ambitions and pleasures, and their mood as they painted. From a murder scene, however, Will could see the mind of the killer - feel the beating of their heart as they drove the life from their victims. He could feel the euphoria, or anger, or fear that they felt. It was slowly driving him mad.

Hannibal Lecter knew all this. He knew how fragile the young man was; a pane of quivering glass, held by nothing more than a thread. A few simple words, carefully aimed, could tear him apart. But Lecter looked into those strong, brown eyes, and could admire the courage that he saw in them. And along with that bravery, an intelligence that was at once challenging, and arousing.

will graham/hannibal lecter, red dragon, attraction

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