I’m looking for a fic with a AU of « Shape of Water ». Jim works at a secret government lab studying Spock, an alien. I don't know where I read this fic. Can someone help me please?
Let me start by saying that I am familiar only with the original Star Trek episodes so I have no idea how much of this story follows canon and how much of it is strictly AU
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Are there any Star Trek fics that include The Rocky Horror Picture show in any way? A reference, a song, a full-blown crossover, I'm happy with whatever. Hell, I'll even take RPF recs so long as they include RHPS. Or Star Trek fanvids using songs from RHPS!
I'm looking for Star Trek crossovers with either Stargate or Stargate Atlantis. I would prefer the Orginal Star Trek and Voyager but Star Trek Reboot is alright too. Gen or slash only please.