I'm trying to remember a fic I read many years ago. where the entire ship is divided into two teams and have a mock battle across the entire ship. The main thing I remember is that one team took over the computer and set up something like a dual layer encryption so when the other team was hacking into it, they thought they reached the real computer after cracking through the first layer and didn't realize they other team still had full control. It ended with a battle in the bridge, 'course.
I think it was set on Voyager as a way to deal with the tedium of nothing happening for several weeks and also maybe to help the Marquis and Starfleet crew integrate better, although it certainly could have been TOS/Reboot. It was probably part of a larger fic or series.
Anyone recognize this at all? Thanks in advance!
War Games by Rob Miller (link is to Wayback Machine). Thanks