Trip to Orange County!

Apr 13, 2010 20:00

Ah, home. I think I am recovered from our vacation, having taken a complete break yesterday. Yes, an actual go away for a few days and have fun somewhere type of vacation. We do them from time to time, but this is the longest we've actually been away as a whole family along with a close friend, docryder and for several days.

We went to Disneyland!!! For two whole days right after my birthday, which was spent packing and traveling south. We did have dinner at Irene's before we left, in part to enjoy a birthday banana split, which is less fattening when many people share 1 dish.

So, two days at Disneyland. The last time was when Cam was 1 y.o. for one day. This time it was two days, which included part of the second day at California Adventures, which none of us had ever been to. We started early, and stayed late, near 10 or 11pm, which meant we did a lot of walking and walking, and enjoyed many rides, tho not nearly all of the rides. We got to see Johnie, who gave us our own tour of Storybook Canal ride. We ate really good food at the BBQ restaurant on Thursday (the one hidden at the back end of Frontierland), which has not only good BBQ on a spicy level, but really good cole slaw, which I normally can't stand at all. We watched the fireworks on Thursday as well. We stood near the merri-go-round in Fantasyland, with Tinkerbell flying almost overhead. I did get a little burned piece in my left eye, which stung for days but has healed ok, but the stereo fireworks between the two sets of fireworks was really enjoyable.

At California Adventures I actually got nauseous for the first time ever on the Screaming California roller coaster! I never get sick, but my tummy just did not do well with the ride. We did enjoy the area but missed the ride that "flies" you over California or any of the rapids rides as it was late and we were done by the time we got to that area. I really think that both parks require at least 3 if not a full five days to really enjoy. But I was so waisted and tired by the end of day 2 that I was happy to not go back. Of course the kids still want to go back for more.

That was Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday was spent for me teaching about Tudor fashions at Collegium Caidis. I got to meet a number of the Clothier folks, see old friends, and take a few classes myself in the scribal arts & fiber tracks. I am now hoping to design my own late Elizabethan sweet bag or book cover, and want to make my next scroll. I really appreciated the ladies, Heidi & Cheryl, who made my time at Collegium very comfortable, making sure I had the projector I needed, and making me feel very welcome.

I did not get to finish my gable hood as we were up so late the nights before, and I was utterly wiped out, but there was enough done to show folks Sunday morning what it looks like at Ciorstan & Mary's class on Headwear. They did a great job in the class, but that's not too surprising since they both had taught the class a few years ago. I need to work on hair taping my braids into place, but that requires finding my yarn needle first or getting a new one.

The two classes I taught on Henrician fashions for women and men seemed to go over well. Which reminds me that they need to get posted soon for folks to look at - but I have to revise the mens info first. There was a lot more talking on Saturday with the women's styles, with the folks on Sunday/men's clothes being a bit quieter. But from the feedback, folks really appreciated learning about Henrician era fashions, and I might have a few converts to the style. I look forward to seeing how the folks make up their garments for the Black Rose Ball in October.

While I was teaching on Saturday, the rest of the family went south to visit with Rob's old friend Robert & his family. They were back by the time I returned on Saturday so we indulged in dinner at Cheesecake Factory, which was topped by a low-carb strawberry cheesecake that was so good, yet wonderfully not high in sugar. Must make our own Splenda cheesecake sometime. Sunday, the family packed things up and joined me at the school - playing Bakugon while they waited for me. This is why I didn't stay after lunch for the last class on undies, as the kids were ready to head home and wanted McDs for lunch. I am sure the teacher covered what little we know on undies well.

Well, I think that was most of it. I might be missing important details, but this is a good enough post for now.

vacation, teaching, sca

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