Improving the photo album

Jan 08, 2010 00:26

After much annoying js codes that just wasn't doing what I wanted them to, I finally hunted around and found Mac software program that will take the photos from iPhoto, and transform them into pretty photo albums that I can post on my own site. I like that!

The one I am using is, and it offers a variety of skins to show off my photo album the way I want it to. But even better was a skin that allows the viewer to decide how *they* want to view the photos, although it starts in a default mode of my choosing. I was rather bland about the choice, but it does allow the person to just press the arrow button to watch the pretty pictures go by. And it provides plenty of room for the images. It even scales the image sizes, so I can use the larger pics if I want to. The only drawback is that the comment widget won't work, but for this particular album that's ok. I will play around some more and find a different skin to cover the other albums I want to upload that will allow for comments.

So, the page I've now uploaded is my scribal page of my last piece of work, the AoA for William de Rouen, which you can view here.

What I've come to realize is that I do need to update the look of the SCA side of my site, to reflect my chosen colors of blue, gold & silver, and add in my coat of arms. I am just waiting for confirmation of my own arms, lest I have to change colors or something. And I understand that will take a while longer yet.

And when I can, I've got some photo albums in my iPhoto that I need to prep into photo albums for my web site. So many costume ones I've never shared, and improving the few albums I have shared. That's going to take a bit, but... not as long as it would have been image prepping & coding them all by hand. Will post more later when those happen.

award scroll, web design, sca

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