Planning for early 2010.

Nov 20, 2009 20:13

Haven't been doing too much since last weekend. Trying not to get another cold, but it tickles in the throat.

So I am sitting here trying to figure out what I want and CAN attend for next year's events.

Costume Con in May, which I had wanted to go to, will have to be dropped because it will cost too much to attend, especially for the plane tickets and hotel room.

Costume College in August is a given, as the shared room & gas costs bring it into a more affordable range. I also hope to teach a class or two, tho what exactly I must ponder.

Caid's Collegium in April is a given as I hope to have a place nearby to crash (once I know more where it is), and they may provide some offset for the gas (tho not a given). But I am teaching so I must go.

This then leaves the following possibles:
Ren Symposium in February 19-21. Pros: It is in Modesto, which is a 1.5 hour drive or so, and I would teach costuming. Con: cost of the hotel room if I don't get a roommate or two. It is the cost of the hotel room that stopped me last time. Going up for just one day is a maybe.

Black Oak Lodge in March is a maybe. I've not gone before but friends have enjoyed it, and it sounds interesting. There would also be a scriptorium which I know I would enjoy. This is a maybe. The cost is fairly low and would cover everything. There are locals planning on going, so maybe I could ride with someone.

Griffin Dyeworks fiber retreat in May is tempting, as I've not gotten to play in fibers and dyeing in many years, which I used to enjoy, and could learn how to weave on the inkle loom I have. The cost for the weekend would cover everything from food to bedding, or I could day trip for one day. But it is a little expensive, and I would be probably on my own for travel costs.

Why do most of the events have to all be lumped in the spring? I seriously do not want to do a major event every month, as we can't afford it. So I guess I have to make decisions... like which do I want to do more, RenSymposium teaching (not many classes of interest for me to learn from usually) or Black Oak Lodge doing various new things? And can I make money of my own to pay for these things? I know that would help a lot. Things to plan for, that's for sure.

renfaire, retreat, travel, costume college, teaching, sca

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