Operation Christmas Cheer

Nov 11, 2009 20:41

This was started by sarahnucci and her husband as posted here. I've decided to join in, maybe with some home made cookies and a card, maybe with something more... but I would love to see others help out our hard working men and women serving this country overseas.

Maybe because today is Veterans Day. Maybe because my Dad was a Marine, my step-dad was in the Army, and I've got family and friends who have served or are still serving, and maybe because I want to do more to honor them all.

Will you join me?


My husband has now nicknamed this project Operation Christmas Cheer. He's at a remote base in Afganisatan and will be until March - so we're trying to organize people to help bring a "hometown" christmas to the guys he lives with and a few others there on base. I'm looking for people who would like to help - everything from mailing an extra Christmas Card or two, sending cookies, helping with stocking stuffers, to sending a gift for a troop.

Anything counts! Do you have a Christmas tradition at home (My husband always has hot cocoa on Christmas Eve so you can bet I'll make sure they're getting that)? Maybe its watching the Polar Express or having giant candy canes in your stocking. Anything helps!

If you'd like to join Operation Christmas Cheer all you need is this:

TSGT Benjamin J. Nucci
Nangarhar PTRT
FOB Finley-Shields
APO AE 09310

Mailing a card or a letter is easy - just put a stamp on it like any other Christmas card and put it in the mail. If you'd like to send a package (and yes, it's cheaper than mailing to the US) use a large flat rate box, fill it with stuff (be sure to wrap gifts just put a post-it note on it so Ben can make sure it gets to someone who will really enjoy it) and fill out the little customs for and head to the line. It's only 11.95 to mail it!

Make sure to mail everything out by December 6th to make sure it gets there in time!

Need ideas - just send me a message. And if the spirit has hit you - feel free to re-post in your journal. I'd like to make this Christmas the best one they could possibly have over there!

(she later posted ideas)
Anything GI Joe and Transformers, any movies or video games that have come out since the end of June, black hat/gloves/scarfs, pj pants and shirts, slippers, anything in the personal size from somewhere like World Market, anything holiday from candy canes to hot cocoa mix to home made cookies. Blankets for their beds (electric or regular, even the polar fleece ones you make from fabric at JoAnns works). If you think that a brother or a guy friend would like it, then you'll be fine. Anything that you'd put in a stocking - even matchbox cars are good. The big no-no's are alcohol, gambling, and anything non uniform regulated day clothing.


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