A few things...

Jul 29, 2009 20:50

Before I pack up for the weekend trip to Costume College... I just wanted to post on LJ, not just FB, that today is my husband's 40th birthday.

He didn't want anything special, but we did go out to dinner at the Outback, and enjoyed some steak with sweet potatoes, and shared a Chocolate Thunder Down Under (split 4 ways with the kids). My tummy is full, and while I want to pass out from the gastric pleasure, I've got clothes to finish washing, and stuff to pack away, including this computer once I've printed out everything I need to print out.

Rob got a Daughtry cd from me, and we are getting a pair of bicycles to help us with our health, as we both enjoying bike riding. Besides, it is harder to keep up with the kids on walks, when they are on their bikes. It was his choice to go for the bikes, and hey, I do want to have a long healthy life with my husband. I just don't plan on biking it when it is 100+ out (and I think we only hit 99 or so today).

Well... time to shut down, although I will be checking LJ and emails as time permits (which with all the meetups and parties planned might be... never!). And hopefully I will get some sleep tonight and not continue stressing over my one class.

health, costume college, birthday

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