Costume College 2009 recap

Aug 04, 2009 17:25

Ok, I've spent today relaxing after the long weekend at Costume College. Just folded laundry that Rob washed, and got a couple of loads going that I will fold up later, and unpacked my suitcase.

I still haven't pulled off photos, or played with the few things I bought at the LA Fashion District (fabric wonderland), and I figured I would put down my thoughts now while I could remember them well.

So... begin at the beginning. Joanne H and her friend from the museum Laura were my carmates. The car packed up pretty well, and I *could* have packed up the b&w gown, but it would have really been tight coming home. The trip was pretty uneventful, just lots of talking about various thing, and some singing to Abba. Then LA was sighted, and shortly we arrived at the hotel.

I started to see friends as soon as we came through the door. Bob & Lisa of Dragon's Treasure, and several other familiar faces. This is why I enjoy CoCo, as I get to see old friends both near and far that I may only during this event, like Donna another of my roommates, casketgirl and her sister Heidi, chartreusekitty, Maryann and her daughter, margorose, marymont & aeddie, aliskye, koshka_the_cat, demode, sarahbellem, ladyaubergine, and one of the guest speakers myladyswardrobe who traveled there from England (along with two other ladies) ... and I am sure I am missing some people, for which you have my apologies. There is just so many great people there, and I got the pleasure of meeting even more people, which I won't attempt to list you all until I get my photos and notes unpacked and uploaded. It was really good meeting new folks, and once LJ names were exchanged it was like "oh wow, yeah, I know you!" It really is nice having faces to LJ names.

Our room was a suite this year, since there was four of us, instead of our usual three. The extra room was really nice, and it was cheaper than renting two rooms. I think we've convinced Laura to return for next year, so hopefully another suite will be in our future. Mini fridges are very helpful.

I had a number of classes I took, and enjoyed not taking classes for a change (which it was nice to spend time in the pool in the afternoon). My one class I taught on Henrician ladies' hoods seems to have been well received, for which I am glad. I knew I was up against myladyswardrobe's popular class, but it was good to have more than one of my roommates, and the people there had a number of good questions that I felt helped the class. I had forgot that some people would know absolutely nothing about the topic, and it helped to get some basic info out there. Once that class was done I could really relax, hence enjoying the pool that afternoon.

The Steampunking your things class was good, but frustrating for those of us in the back of the classroom. We got the dregs of whatever the teacher handed out, as she started handing everything out from the front first. But I got a lot of ideas and photos of the stuff she had made. But I realize as well that there are two distinct styles of Steampunk, and I think my ideas are a bit loftier in style than what I learned in that class. I am more pure Victorian/Edwardian clothing, with props that suggest the "steam" aspects, and her class was more on distressing, using lots of rub & buff on dark items, and drawing gears onto clothing. But ideas are good. Hopefully I can motivate myself to do both the special project and a bustle dress for next year.

I did wear my effigy style pair of bodies to the Sunday Undies, along with the French farthingale. I must say I looked very silly, and one commented that I looked like Judy Jetson with how it bounced around. Another wondered how well I would sit; which ended up more of a problem than I had expected since chairs at the breakfast table were rather close together. I would have removed it right away after breakfast, but I had a fitting class to go to first thing.

I also was glad I took sarahbellem's fitting class for a bodice. It is one thing to fit a dress dummy for a bodice, but I want a doublet, and that extra fluff above the corset line is hard to reproduce on a dress dummy. While we students fitted each other, Sarah did the final tweaking for me. And I can use this body sloper to adjust other patterns, too. Like the ones I bought at the Merchant Place. My only frustration with the class had nothing to do with the teacher, but everything to do with the people who didn't read the written rules and wear a corset to be fitted over, *and* had no understanding of basic draping. Hello... isn't that what the class required as a minimum! That was my partner, but she learned quickly while working on me, did pretty well all considered, and I think once she gets her corset made, she will be able to work with her friends. They just lose out on getting to take something already done home. And while I had to fit her uncorseted body which made the boobs harder to work around, I did get more hands-on practice on just how tight one needs to fit someone for a GFD, which I want in the future.

I took a variety of classes, and pretty much enjoyed them, except for when an audience member or friend of the lecturer would make ongoing comments that took away from what the teacher was trying to teach. I wanted duct tape for those people's mouths, and felt badly for the teachers, but thankfully they were rare.

I like the merchant area, but most of what I got was books (One on the anti-fashion of the 19th-20th centuries), 2 patterns (one a vintage blouse, one Edwardian split skirt), and the basic embroidery supplies for my next big project. I was tempted by a pretty red hat that Mela would have been happy to sell me, but I don't do Regency yet, so it seemed a bit much for something I don't have an outfit yet to wear (and so far little interest in making). And it seems that casketgirl bought the beautiful Edwardian style hat in a color that matches my planned fabrics that I would have bought if she hadn't bought it during the early bird shopping time. I was in a class on Jedi cloaks at that point (both kids want one, and I want to make one for Rob, too). I will not be making the kids in wool, since it is more for Halloween and play, then going to Cons or anything.

There were lots of other things, too. Time at the Hospitality suite, meetup at the LJ/FB party, chatting with Margo and Maryann in a private room where it was quiet (I need quiet sometimes... more often than I think I got). I did not get a lot of sleep time, nor did I stay up too late, as I roomed with early birds, who were up by 6:30am, with me struggling to get up before 7am so we could get breakfast before the mad rush of eaters. I hate doing early, but... at least I got good protein breakfasts every morning.

Things ended too quickly, even with the Garment district shopping madness on Monday. It was an adventure just getting there, as the gps system wasn't working right, and the written directions were incorrect. But we got there just fine. I bought a few yards of theatrical buckram for making hats, 6 yards of a lovely blue/green shot taffeta for my first Italian kirtle, a soft Tinkerbell rug for Relle, and various small items like trims and buttons (tho I did not get any fur trim, as they didn't have grey). I did not find the right kind of fabric I was hunting for (for the special project), although the b&w material I searched for last year was everywhere this year. I did find something kinda close, but on sale at $30, it was too much for not being right. If it had been right, then I would have (compared to $65-175/yd). Ah well... I am sure next year what I want will be all over the place! We ended up leaving at 3pm, and headed home, after correcting the gps to get us out of downtown.

About an hour later while on the freeway, I realized I did not get the other fabric I had needed, a deep red silk velvet! {sigh} I walked past some silk velvets, but I guess none of the reds there called to me, which normally a nice red color would. Ah well, there are other sources, but I will need to get it relatively soon.

And we had dinner at Denny's... well... we had dessert there, which makes this our tradition of enjoying the last meal as a dessert, not an actual dinner. It's a nice way to end the weekend, since the next day it is back to our regular routines and meal plans. It was nice to be home before dark, and both kids were still up with Relle just finishing up her bath. Good hugs, and a long kiss with my husband. A nice end to it all. But I will miss everyone from CoCo, and I can't wait till next year.

costume college

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